Art Expo Plaza

Art Expo Plaza

An Architectural Strategy of Recycling City Space for Art

Designer: Thomas J. Santiago Rodriguez
Thesis Director: Elio S. Martínez Joffre, arch.
Consultants: Ernesto Rodríguez, arch. and Carmen A. Pérez Herrans
Thesis: UPR March – May 2013
Location: Santurce, Puerto Rico

Abstract: Over the years, many historical and urban centers of our island have become abandoned places. In reaction to this, artists have been developing projects and events in places like Río Piedras and Santurce to promote reactivating these areas through artistic initiatives. Thinking about these abandoned spaces and how urban art identifies them as potential workshops, exhibition spaces, cultural instigators, and livable areas, I went in search for a formal approach for unifying art, architecture and society in the Santurce district.