MACPR Urban Crossing

MACPR Urban Crossing


Designers: Beatriz Hernández, Jimmie Vélez, Jorel Sánchez, Marissa Peral
Professor: Prof. Darwin Marrero
Course: City Studio, July 2014
Location: Museum of Art of Puerto Rico, Santurce, Puerto Rico

Embodied in a central location as an iconographic sculpture, this stop forms an M identifying the Museum of Contemporary Art. Through this project a museum object is inserted in a public space seeking integration with the community. For funding, it is proposed to sell each module which compose the structure individually. Piece by piece a bus stop that belongs to everyone is comfigured. The community, artists and lovers of Santurce may take part and acquire a sense of belonging to the stop.

The meeting of the Ponce de Leon and Robert H. Todd Avenue is seen as the heart of the new Santurce Art District. A visión that shares a view of a revitalized infrastructure within an urban perspective. Promotes the conscious use of the city, favoring its pedestrian and the use of alternative transportation. The crossing vehicles is dissolved before the convergence of art with city the dwellers who inhabit and occupy it.