i am satos

i am satos

I am satosi am satos

Design studios: Cultural website
Post Grad studies: Architecture + Design Management
Date: UPR March 2012-2013 SEM 01
Link: https://iamsatos.squarespace.com/


  • Multidisciplinary approach to culture.
  • “A virtual platform … a common cultural base”.
  • Focus on Puerto Ricans that immigrate seeking a market for their work.
  • Commit to bringing young artist out of anonymity.
  • A place where … at any moment … ideas, people and references can be found.

Mariana’s mission:

“i am satos™ Journal proposes an interactive platform that express the creative vision of young Puerto Ricans from diverse contemporary contours around the world that they have chosen for their academic and professional adventures. The mixed media platform exposes these satos nominees in multiple disciplines such as art, design, architecture, business, technology, and others. These satos are collaborators, friends and allies, that share their experiences to expand the conversation on cultural production. Readers of i am satos™ witness the evolution of satos, while being encouraged to expand the conversation and become satos themselves. The platform discovers these experiences and cultural observations, and serves as a meeting place for a community of practice.”


I am satos

TOS [Mari Feli] says:
Mariana, as a Puerto Rican among many, feels the need to create this journal, being that she too chose to immigrate to the mainland in search of new opportunities. Like many who currently have to immigrate to other countries to look for that specific place to express their work, she focuses on the culture and how to do business with and in it. The vast majority of artists do not find a way to live on his/her work. However, Mariana is an example of how this is not always the case, for she is now doing business through a creative process. Her innovative idea of a free magazine focuses on creating a virtual meeting platform; preventing the anonymity we all fear when we depart from our culture. The collaborators are those SATOS that share their experiences and projects, as a way of bonding with each other, allowing them to “blend” true to the Puerto Ricans condition, given that none of us are purebreds (satos meaning a mixed-breed often stray dog).

The visionary way of this former student of the School of Architecture at the University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras Campus, is valuable because she applies her architectural training from another point of view. Through i am satos™ she creates awareness that a cultural society is not an individual but a collective process; being that the collective brings a whole lot more to the table. i am satos™ magazine, is merely a vehicle for evolving interactive collective information, but it does not stop there. According to Mariana, “It is not mine, it’s a collective that evolves. The idea is to blend collaborative efforts and how I can be that link.”